How are the waves in May? Do they suit my surfing level? What about the weather and after surfing? And is there any accommodation tip for my needs? Well, we don’t pretend to play wizard but these are some of the questions we’ll try to answer on a monthly base, considering on how the same months were last years, how the surfing is now and putting all our local knowledge on play, Out from the water, we’ll share with you some of the more relevant stuff that will happen around here, so that you can have the full perspective when the time to book your surfing holidays comes.
May is a changing season, from the typical rainy and sudden sunny April days to a more stable and warmer weather, which usual comes along during the month. It’s also a time for contrasts and memories: from the light brown fields by the coastline that we often see after the late surfing sessions on Autumn to the green and contrast colors from the flowers everywhere now.
2019 April brought us some sunny days and good surfing, but also windy, stormy and rainy days, meaning poor surfing conditions. No good way to say it. Simple as that! Nevertheless, those days seem to be gone as by the time we’re writing these lines (10:30 am) the sun is shining, outside temperature is 22ºC and the weather forecast for the next week looks great. May will start just like we like it!
However, if rain comes back, and we had it a few days last year, traditionally happens way less that April. And less rain usually means less wind, or at least blowing from a more favorable direction, which means cleaner and more friendly conditions.
Regarding to surfing, May it’s definitely a time of waves. Usually a change regarding the average size of the waves is possible to note along the month, comparing to the previous months. It’s a transaction time, from bigger to smaller waves. But smaller does not necessary mean small!
May is a changing season from the typical rainy and sudden sunny April days to more stable and warmer weather, which comes along during the month. It’s also a time for contrasts and memories: from the light brown fields by the coastline that we often see after the late surfing sessions on Autumn to the green and contrast from the flowers everywhere now.
Regarding surfing, May it’s definitely a time of waves. Lot’s of them. Some changes regarding the size of the waves compared with the previous months, meaning that it’s typically a transaction time from bigger to smaller waves. Note that smaller does not necessarily mean small!
Esmoriz area tends to allow surfers to get the most of its natural beauty as smaller surfing makes it more accessible to all types of surfers. Especially during the morning surfing sessions, the daylight reminds the Winter sessions once you get to the outstanding white sandy beaches in Esmoriz area. Just the air temperature is way better!
Remember that you can enjoy all this and get to know every corner and details easily, Just ask you, favourite surf teachers and hosts. And in case you want to explore the area with your best friends, then our remember that we’re just around the corner!

Espinho is always a place for all surfers, despite their surfing skills. Surf is on, waves there are very consistent and the typical Winter morning light quickly shifts to the traditional Summer sunset vibes! Smaller and bigger days come and, as long as the sun is there, all surfers keep their routines with a huge smile on their faces. Because our new Espinho surf house already opened its doors, May is an excellent time for making Espinho a surf destination for you and your friends or soulmate.

Besides surfing, Espinho offers everything you need at a walking distance. Also, the (underground) train station is only 200 meters far from the house which allows you to be in downtown Porto in 20 minutes. Easy
Judging by the last rainy days on April, sandbars changed and the surf spots will need to set up again. Espinho already looks nice but, by the time we’re finishing these lines, Esmoriz area still needs time to rest and set their several surfing spots just like we love them. Looking to the forecast for the upcoming days, shouldn’t take that much time…
Apart from the salty water, there’s always a lot to do in the area, as long as the desire is there. And desire is not something that depends on the weather, on what others do or propose. Just on each one of us. Therefore, take the opportunity to skip from your routines and dive into what you can do here, after or before surfing. Check our Porto custom made tips and enjoy this unique city, just two steps far from the best surf spots in north Portugal.
Remember that our Espinho surf house is by the beach and close to Porto, making the combination of surfing and local culture possible and an experience unique.
See you in May!
Watermark Surf House